Save-the-Date Addressing Etiquette

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Today's post actually stems from a recent question asked by one of my brides:
How do you address envelopes for the save-the-dates? Formal or informal?

There's no definite rule for this. You may address them as formal or as informal as you would like. The best decision would be to base it off the feel of your save-the-date design and/or wedding.

If you want to keep your save-the-dates informal, you may address your guests as, for example, Joe and Jane Brown. If you prefer a more traditional and formal save the date, read the following guidelines. If a couple is married and in one household, address them as Mr. and Mrs. Joe Brown. If a couple is living together, but not married, address them as Mr. and Ms. Joe Brown. If you are sending a save the date to a guest living by themselves, address them as Miss Brown or Mr. Brown.

Hope this is helpful to others!


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